Thursday, March 20, 2008

Parkers Surgery

Parker had his tonsils removed yesterday. I stayed overnight with him in the hospital and got home late this morning. He had a few difficulties right after surgery and throughout the day yesterday, but he is doing very well today. The only problem is that the doctors put him on oxycodone which really really helps with the pain, but it also makes him very hyper. This is a problem because we are supposed to keep him calm for at least a few days to make sure he doesn't start to bleed again. He goes through cycles feeling great when he first takes the medicine and then feeling bad again as it begins to wear off. He is either laying on the couch drouling and in pain or he is jumping up and down on the couch feeling great. We are just glad he only has pair on tonsils to remove.


Grandpa Edington said...

Tell Parker hello from Grandpa. I hope he is feeling better soon. I remember when Jason got his tonsils out his whole personality changed. I was helping Uncle Mike move some of his Grandmother's stuff from Minnisota to Oregon and was not there with Jason, but when I got home it was amazing how quickly he had recovered.

Grandma Edington said...

Hi! I am so glad Parker is recovering well from surgery. I remember going through surgery with Jason. If Parker is affected as much as Jason was you will soon have a totally new child on your hands. Good Luck. We love you all.