So, if you haven't heard yet, Kevin and I are expecting boy #6! I should be more creative about announcing this, but I am too busy chasing little children. Isn't that wonderful?! I went to my first obstetrician appointment yesterday. I thought I was maybe 9-10 weeks pregnant. Of course, I was just speculating about how far along I was since I was nursing Aaron at the time and did not get my period back. I am 14 weeks pregnant--just starting my 4th month. The baby is due on July 16, 2009. Since I was farther along, we were able to figure out the sex of the baby. The doctor and I both knew almost instantaneously that it was a boy. It was pretty obvious!! I would scan in the pictures, but I haven't found where I put them yet. I'm a little disorganized lately! It's been kind of crazy at our house. The flu that went around took 5 weeks to make its way through each and every member of our family, and of course, mom got it last. I don't know if I was so extremely tired just from nursing AND being pregnant, or if I was just exhausted from chasing 5 little boys around and doing all the work involved when everyone gets sick and then getting sick myself--you know quadruple the laundry, dishes that pile up, toys strewn throughout the house. Anyway, I am finally STARTING to get caught up. I have 3 clean rooms right now, and am gradually working on the rest. Sadly, I just weaned Aaron last week. I feel a little guilty about that, but I really needed to be able to have more energy to take care of the rest of the family. It helps to just be pregnant, and not nursing too! It's only been about 4 days since I stopped nursing Aaron, but I already feel like I have more energy. I was also getting really moody (due to the hormone overload and extreme exhaustion), and I was trying to limit my contact with people so I wouldn't annoy anyone. So, poor Kevin has been very, very patient and extremely helpful lately (Thanks, Kevin).
Anyhow, yes we are very excited to have six little boys! We have been so blessed! My patriarchal blessing actually says that I would be surrounded and blessed by the strength of the priesthood in my home. Well, I can see how that blessing will come true. I feel so much joy and also so much exhaustion!! We will be great at scouts, the priesthood, and missionaries. We will have (10 years of scouting X 6 boys) 60 years worth of scouting (of course, the boys will overlap most of it). We will have (2 years X 6 boys) 12 years of missions. We will have (8 years X 6 boys) 48 years worth of Aaronic priesthood holders (overlapping). We enjoy our boys so much, and look forward to the times we will have in the future with them. It will surely be an adventure!! Looking back, we are so grateful to be so blessed by a loving Heavenly Father. I still remember the pain I felt many years ago when we were unable to have children for 3 years, but to look at how everything worked out now, my prayers have been more than just answered. Our blessings are overflowing!! As painful as those years of not having children were, it was all so worthwhile and we have been blessed beyond measure. Heavenly Father truly does know what is best for us, and he will bless us with what we desire if we are faithful and endure!